With regard to its CME program, The Endocrine Society’s mission is to promote the education and continued training of clinicians, investigators, and teachers of endocrinology and related disciplines and allied health professionals, with the ultimate goal of improving the care and treatment of individuals with endocrine disorders.
Specific objectives established to meet this goal include:
The Society’s CME program consists of, but is not limited to, endocrine-related topics based on needs assessment in clinical practice, medical research, medical technology, clinical pathways, outcomes management, quality of care, managed care, and other relevant issues and concerns of endocrinologists.
The Society’s CME program offers live activities, including symposia, conferences, workshops, and lectures. In addition, we offer manuscript review, journal-CME, test-item writing, enduring materials and self-assessment products, including practice improvement modules (PIMs). Educational modules are designed to provide flexibility and accommodate the learning preferences of our target audiences and are therefore offered in live, print and online formats.
The Society’s CME activities are designed to meet the educational needs of the following:
The primary expectation for these activities is to increase knowledge, competence, and/or performance among our target audiences regarding: a) the scope of endocrine disorders and associated clinical implications, b) current screening, diagnostic, and clinical management strategies for specific endocrine disorders, and c) current research pertaining to endocrine systems and endocrine-related disorders.