Supporting research and researchers
Navigating careers in science and medicine can be quite challenging for undergraduate, medical, and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, medical fellows, junior faculty, and early career investigators. The Endocrine Society places high priority on helping early career members reach their career goals by offering research fellowships recognizing the early achievements of future endocrinologists.
The Endocrine Society offers Research Experiences to support promising medical and graduate students who have demonstrated commitment to endocrine research and expressed interest in enhancing their professional development skills. The Research Experiences for Graduate and Medical Students (REGMS) program, formerly the Summer Research Fellowship program, includes a comprehensive series of activities that span beyond the summer and include involvement in a variety of engaging programs for early career scientists. Learn more...
The Future Leaders Advancing Research in Endocrinology (FLARE) program is for basic science, clinical research trainees, and junior faculty who have demonstrated achievement in endocrine research. FLARE program components provide structured leadership development and in-depth, hands-on training in topics ranging from grantsmanship to lab management. Learn more...
Carol A. Lange, PhD, past Editor-in-Chief of Endocrinology, and Stephen R. Hammes, MD, PhD, past Editor-in-Chief of Molecular Endocrinology share critical tips on how to get published.
Explore resources for pursuing endocrine-related research opportunities.