Society Letters

Coalition Fetal Tissue Research Letter

September 16, 2019

To: The Honorable Alex Azar—Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

"...We are concerned that both the policy underlying these notices (i.e., the requirement that human fetal tissue research proposals be subject to an additional layer of review) and the specific requirements of these notices will create substantial barriers to important biomedical research, jeopardize the integrity of the peer-review process, and create an unnecessarily cumbersome and bureaucratic process for reviewing crucial research. The new policies upend the existing legal and ethical frameworks for human fetal tissue (HFT) research, which have provided rigorous and appropriate oversight for decades and allowed important biomedical research to progress. Unless significant changes are made to the new requirements, lifesaving research will be encumbered, delaying the development of new treatments for patients.."

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