Society Letters

Cognitive Care Alliance Letter to Congressional Leaders on E/M Policy

October 21, 2020

To: Leader McConnell, Leader Schumer, Speaker Pelosi, and Leader McCarthy

"CCA members are united in the belief that all of the existing E/M code families, outpatient as well as inpatient, do not accurately describe the non-procedural work delivered to patients and have exacerbated the workforce shortages in primary care and internal medicine subspecialties. Our membership, representing over 60,000 physicians from seven cognitive specialty societies, including general internal medicine, endocrinology, infectious diseases, gastroenterology, hematology, hepatology, and rheumatology, primarily provide E/M care to their patients. Together, we request that you support the E/M documentation and payment changes as already finalized, and ask that you encourage the agency to implement this policy without change on January 1, 2021."

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