Society Letters

Letters to MACs on Proposed Local Coverage Determination for CGMs

June 12, 2020

"We appreciate that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has taken an expeditious approach to ensure that innovative devices for diabetes management are available to Medicare beneficiaries. Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) represent an innovative and beneficial device, as they have allowed for people with diabetes to measure glucose levels much more frequently than is feasible with self-testing using a blood glucose monitor and finger sticks. CGMs allow people with diabetes to track glucose levels and trends in real time, as well as to receive alerts when glucose levels are outside of a predetermined range. These alerts assist people with diabetes in more accurately calculating insulin dosage for proper glycemic control."

arrowRead the Full Letter to CGS Administrators

arrowRead the Full Letter to First Coast Services

arrowRead the Full Letter to Noridian

arrowRead the Full Letter to Novitas Solutions

arrowRead the Full Letter to Wisconsin Physician Services Insurance Corp.

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