Society Letters

Research Protections for Non-Profits During COVID-19 Sign-On Letter

May 06, 2020

To: The Honorable Mitch McConnell, The Honorable Charles Schumer, The Honorable John Thune, The Honorable Dick Durbin

"We are deeply concerned about the economic consequences that the COVID-19 pandemic will have on America’s research pipeline. The non-profit and voluntary health organization research community is a critical part of America’s drug research and development pipeline. It is the fourth largest contributor for U.S. medical and health research and development expenditures, and funds thousands of early and mid-career scientists and researchers each year. Collectively this sector of the research community invests at least $6-7 billion each year to advance biomedical research and disease knowledge, translate biomedical research into novel therapies, and support early and mid-level scientists to ensure a robust scientific workforce."

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