Submission by the Endocrine Society to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) Consultation on the identification of (±)-1,7,7-trimethyl-3-[(4-methylphenyl)methylene]bicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-2-one (4-MBC) as a substance of very high concern (SVHC) due to endocrine disrupting properties.
"The Endocrine Society appreciates the opportunity to comment on the identification of 4-MBC as a SVHC due to its endocrine disrupting properties. Decades of research and peer-reviewed scientific studies, including many published in the Endocrine Society’s journals and cited in the report, have elucidated the hazardous properties of 4-MBC on endocrine systems. We commend the authors of the report for preparing a detailed and careful evaluation of the effects of 4-MBC on estrogen and thyroid biology, with consequent linkages to important health effects including neurodevelopment and sub/infertility. We support the conclusion on page 9 that 4-MBC meets the criteria of Article 57(f) of REACH due to endocrine disrupting properties for which there is scientific evidence of probable serious effects to human health. We also share the authors’ concern that it may be difficult to establish a safe level of 4-MBC given the likelihood of effects on the endocrine system, which may occur at extremely low doses, with mixture effects, and with the potential for low-dose and/or non-monotonic dose responses."
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