Society Letters

Comment Letter to CMS Regarding CGM Coverage

January 29, 2021

Dear Acting Administrator Richter, Dr. Brennan, Dr. Hoover, Dr. Mamuya, and Dr. Gurk:

The Endocrine Society appreciates the efforts that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has taken to review and modify the local coverage determination (LCD) for continuous glucose monitors (CGM). CGMs are an important device that allow people with diabetes to frequently monitor and track their glucose levels and Some CGMs provide alerts to users when their glucose levels are outside of the targeted range. The use of CGM helps people with diabetes avoid severe hypoglycemia and the associated medical costs, such as emergency room visits, ambulance fees, and hospitalization. The Endocrine Society has clinical practice guidelines available to practicing physicians on the use of CGMs which reflect evolving clinical science and offer practice recommendations for appropriate device use."

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