Dear Dr. Harris:
"On behalf of the Endocrine Society, thank you for the opportunity to provide comments to the National Clinical Care Commission on its proposed recommendations. Founded in 1916, the Endocrine Society represents approximately 18,000 physicians and scientists engaged in the treatment and research of endocrine disorders, including diabetes. The Society works to promote policies to help ensure that all individuals with diabetes and other endocrine disorders have access to high quality, specialized care that is adequate and affordable.
Below please find our thoughts on several of the recommendations proposed by the Commission. We would like to note, however, that one area the NCCC recommendations did not address is the critical issue of workforce. Endocrinologists are key providers of diabetes care, but there continues to be a shortage of trained endocrinologists to provide care to people with diabetes and there is a disturbing trend in the decreasing number of physicians pursuing endocrinology. We hope the NCCC will include this point in its final recommendations and encourage support across agencies for policies and programs that will recruit and retain endocrinologists who can provide care for people living with diabetes."
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