Society Letters

Letter to Senators on Inflation Reduction Act

August 05, 2022

"The Endocrine Society has shared with the Senate patient stories from around the country illustrating that people with diabetes continue to suffer due to the high price of insulin. We have also offered a spectrum of policy recommendations over the past few years to make insulin more affordable. We are pleased that the Inflation Reduction Act includes provisions to lower the price of insulin and institute a $35 co-pay cap on out-of-pocket costs of insulin. These provisions align with the Society’s policy recommendations on insulin access and affordability and would provide meaningful relief to people with diabetes. This legislation represents a tremendous opportunity to address the high price of insulin and reduce out-of-pocket costs for people who rely on insulin. It’s time for Congress to address this longstanding problem and pass this legislation today.

On behalf of our patients, we urge you to support passage of the Inflation Reduction Act when it is considered in the Senate. People with diabetes cannot wait any longer.

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