"In our review of the NHLBI Strategic Vision we noted an explicit focus on sex/gender-based differences in HLBS systems, as well as sex/gender influences on resilience or susceptibility to disease. While we appreciate the importance of understanding the role of sex and gender in health and disease generally, we urge NHLBI to explicitly highlight research involving transgender/nonbinary populations in objective three to ensure that the Strategic Vision includes these disadvantaged populations in biomedical research. Studies are needed that assess the long-term risks and benefits of testosterone replacement therapy in men and transgender men, and estrogen/progesterone replacement therapy in women and transgender women. Moreover, studying the effects of hormone replacement therapy in general on cardiovascular health and mortality could have broad benefits, including for transgender populations, if appropriately inclusive by design. Lastly, the long-term risks and benefits of hormone suppressive treatments (including but not limited to GnRH analogs, aromatase inhibitors, 5-alpha reductase inhibitors, and surgical removal of reproductive glands) also requires proper study, particularly in transgendered individuals but also in patients with breast, prostate, and other sex steroid-responsive malignancies."