Endocrine Society Calls on Congress to Protect NDD Funding

January 07, 2024

Dear Speaker Johnson, Majority Leader Schumer, Minority Leader McConnell, and Minority Leader Jeffries:

"The 1,098 undersigned organizations—representing the full breadth of diverse programs that support all of America, every day—are extremely alarmed by the possibility for very deep cuts to all of these non-defense programs (often referred to as non-defense discretionary appropriations or simply “NDD”) for fiscal year 24 (FY24) if a full-year continuing resolution were to pass. Such cuts would be disastrous for the capacity of the federal government to serve the public, assist those in need, fuel innovation, and address national and global threats. We strongly urge Congressional leadership to instead finish the FY24 appropriations process and adopt the bipartisan Senate funding framework as a starting point for final negotiations."

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