FY 2021 Senate Appropriations Committee Public Testimony
Submitted by the Endocrine Society for the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Addressing the National Institutes of Health
"Endocrine scientists are a vital component of our nation’s biomedical research enterprise and are integral to the healthcare infrastructure in the United States. Endocrine Society members study how hormones contribute to the overall function of the body and how the glands and organs of the endocrine system work together to keep us healthy. The multiple body functions governed by the endocrine system are broad and essential to overall wellbeing: endocrine functions include reproduction, the body’s response to stress and injury, sexual development, energy balance and metabolism, and bone and muscle strength. Endocrinologists also study interrelated systems, for example how hormones produced by fat can influence the development of bone disease and susceptibility to infections."
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