Society Testimony

Testimony on Conference and Travel Spending Across the Federal Government 

January 27, 2014

Public Testimony Submitted by the Endocrine Society To the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee

"In summary, attendance by government employees at scientific conferences has tremendous value for government researchers as well as the broader biomedical research community. Regular participation by government employees at conferences is also critical for the overall efficiency of the scientific enterprise. The Endocrine Society recognizes the difficulties faced by government agencies in achieving cost savings in the challenging financial environment; however, we caution that the restrictions, as currently implemented, will result in inefficiencies that could delay the development of new or improved therapies for patients. The Endocrine Society therefore encourages the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee to revise current guidelines, enabling government scientists to be full and active participants in the scientific enterprise by lifting the onerous and ill-conceived restrictions that preclude the participation of government employees in the full spectrum of conference activity. The Endocrine Society would be happy to assist the Committee in identifying policies that achieve cost savings without introducing inefficiencies due to excessive travel restrictions. I"

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