C. Wayne Bardin, MD, International Travel Award

February 21, 2025

The C. Wayne Bardin, MD, International Travel Award was created in honor of Dr. Wayne Bardin, who made remarkable research contributions to both reproductive physiology and contraception throughout his long career. This award honors an exceptional ENDO Annual Meeting abstract submission from an author outside the United States. The recipient receives a $3,000 travel grant for ENDO 2025 and complimentary meeting registration

The application period for 2025 has closed.

  • Application Deadline: February 20, 2025
  • Notification: April 4, 2025
  • Award Program Dates: ENDO 2025 | July 12-15, 2025

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Must be an endocrine fellow currently in training or a junior faculty member for less than 5 years;
  2. Must submit an abstract to ENDO;
  3. Awardee will be considered from the international community as defined by current residence outside of the USA, with emphasis to select candidates from  countries with emerging economies;
  4. Must attend ENDO in-person. The program is not available virtually.

Award Details:

  • The C. Wayne Bardin, MD International Travel Award is funded from the proceeds of a C. Wayne Bardin Endowment Fund for the purpose of supporting expenses incurred while attending the annual meeting of the Endocrine Society for an outstanding candidate based on the quality of his/her research presentation.
  • The Award covers costs incurred for travel, hotel, food and miscellaneous expenses to attend the four-day annual meeting of the Endocrine Society; up to $3,000. Additionally, the annual meeting registration fee will be waived for the award recipient. 

Application Requirements

  • Application form in awards platform
  • Letter of recommendation from research mentor
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Verification of training status (e.g. degree or certificate)
  • Personal statement to include:
    • Descriptions of key achievements and experiences in the field of endocrinology
    • Details of how receiving the award will benefit the applicant professionally.
Please note: In-person attendance at ENDO 2024 is required to receive the award. ENDO 2025 will take place July 12-15 in San Francisco, CA. The travel award program is not offered virtually. Members are eligible to receive one travel award or travel reimbursement per meeting. If you are selected for more than one travel award you will receive the higher monetary value. Please do not register for ENDO until the award winners are announced. The winners of this award will receive complimentary ENDO registration. For questions please email [email protected].

Former Endocrine Society President Richard J. Santen, MD shares the significance of Wayne Bardin's contributions to the field of endocrinology: 

Award Background:

  • Wayne Bardin made remarkable research contributions to both reproductive physiology and contraception throughout his long career. During this time, he mentored many international trainees, most of whom have proceeded in their own right to pursue notable careers in endocrine research.
  • Dr. Bardin is remembered after his passing on October 10, 2019, at the age of 85, not only for his numerous scientific contributions but also for his teaching excellence, mentoring of students, clinical and basic science skills, and international leadership.
  • Based on his numerous achievements and global efforts, a group of his peers, along with the Bardin family, thought it appropriate to establish a named International Travel Award to the annual meeting of the Endocrine Society through earnings from an Endowment Fund to honor this great man and giant in the endocrine community.

Image Ana Canton, MD, PhD, (center) receives the 2024 C. Wayne Bardin, MD, International Travel Award

Past Recipients: Bardin International Travel Award

Ana Canton, MD, PhD

The Endocrine Society selected Ana Canton, MD, PhD, as the recipient of its 2024 C. Wayne Bardin, MD, International Travel Award for her outstanding ENDO abstract and her research contributions to the care of patients with pediatric endocrine disorders.

The C. Wayne Bardin, MD, International Travel Award was created in honor of Past President Wayne Bardin, who made remarkable research contributions to both reproductive physiology and contraception throughout his long career. As the winner, Canton received a $3,000 travel grant for ENDO and complimentary meeting registration.

Canton is an endocrinologist and a researcher in the Division of Endocrinology at the School of Medicine, University of São Paulo in São Paulo, Brazil. She graduated in Medicine and specialized in Endocrinology and Metabolism. She completed her PhD at the University of São Paulo in the field of growth disorders, initiating her experience in clinical and genetic research studies, which was continued through a post-doctorate program at the Saint-Antoine Research Center, Sorbonne University in Paris, France.

She was also a member of the First International Consensus Statement of Diagnosis and Management of Silver-Russell syndrome. In 2018, she was awarded a four-year grant as a post-doctorate researcher at the School of Medicine, University of São Paulo, initiating her clinical and genetic research studies in pubertal disorders, especially precocious puberty.

She has participated in several publications in leading endocrine journals. Recently, she was the first author of the publication identifying MECP2 gene as a novel monogenic factor in girls with central precocious puberty with or without neurodevelopment disorders.

Dalal S. Ali, MD

The Society has selected Dalal S. Ali, MD, as recipient of its 2023 C. Wayne Bardin, MD, International Travel Award for her outstanding ENDO abstract and research contributions related to bone disease, calcium and endocrine disorders in pregnancy. Ali is a clinical fellow in metabolic bone disease at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada under the supervision of Aliya A. Khan, M.D. She has 14 peer-reviewed publications, is an author of several clinical practice guidelines and has served on many task forces. She has also presented at many international endocrinology and metabolic bone scientific meetings.

2022 Recipient: Rimesh Pal, MD, DM

Dr. Rimesh Pal is an Assistant Professor (Junior Faculty) with full-time appointment in the Department of Endocrinology at the premier Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh, India. He completed his Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) degree in 2013, Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree in Internal Medicine in 2016 and Doctorate of Medicine (DM) degree in Endocrinology from PGIMER in 2019. He is an astute and dedicated physician, highly motivated academician and a keen researcher. His research ideas are original and scientifically sound. He has particular interest in the fields of metabolic bone diseases, osteoporosis, primary hyperparathyroidism, sarcopenia, type 2 diabetes and endocrinological aspects of COVID-19. In his hitherto short career, he has published more than 85 PubMed indexed articles, including publications in The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology, Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, Osteoporosis International, Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, Frontiers in Endocrinology, and Endocrine Connections, among others. His publications are a result of collaborative work with researchers from PGIMER as well as from other parts of India and across the globe.

Hydelene Dominguez, MD

University of the Philippines - Philippines General Hospital (First award recipient)

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