Thematic Issue Journals & Articles

Transgender Health and Medicine 2020

May 22, 2020

an Endocrine Society Thematic Issue


Read our special collection of journal articles, published in 2019–2020, focused on transgender health and medicine! Curation of the collection was guided by Altmetric Attention Scores and Featured Article designations.

Nokoff and coauthors, reporting in JCEM, find that transgender adolescents have significant differences in body composition from cisgender controls. Wiik and colleagues demonstrate that a year of gender-affirming treatment led to robust increases in muscle mass and strength in transgender men, and maintenance of strength levels in transgender women. Chen and colleagues show that hormone treatment in transgender men and women does not adversely affect monitoring of vitamin D status. Jain and colleagues find that medroxyprogesterone acetate, used as gender-affirming treatment by transwomen, had minimal side effects and lowered testosterone levels. Van Velzen and coauthors, in contrast, find unfavorable changes in the lipid profile of transmen undergoing gender-affirming hormone treatment, although favorable changes in that of transwomen. Moravec and coauthors discuss in Endocrinology the ovarian and uterine consequences of exogenous testosterone in transgender men.

In Endocrine Reviews, Handelsman and colleagues discuss aspects of gender as it relates to athletic performance and propose a circulating testosterone threshold as a basis for allowing competition as a female. Mason and coauthors discuss the effects of androgens throughout the lifespan, including in transgender care. And in Journal of the Endocrine Society, Stevenson and colleagues discuss the need for improved training of  endocrinology fellows in transgender patient care, advocating the use of standardized patients for this purpose.

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Published: May 2020

About Endocrine Society Thematic Issues

It can be difficult to keep up to date in the rapidly evolving and expanding world of endocrine science. We curate topical collections of research from across our journals, Endocrine Reviews, Endocrinology, Journal of the Endocrine Society, and The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, so that you can easily find and read recent, influential articles on the topics that interest you.

Selection in each Thematic Issue is guided by online metrics, including Altmetric Attention Scores, Featured Article designations, and identification of leading authors and key topics. Each month, we publish a new Thematic Issue online and work to highlight and promote endocrine science in the press, through email, on social media and across other distribution channels.

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