Dr. Patricia Morris is a Guest Investigator, RNA Molecular Biology, The Rockefeller University, New York, NY. She serves as Associate Editor, endocrinology and reproduction, and a Series Editor for the FASEB Journal. Formerly, she served as the Executive Director, R&D, and Senior Scientist Emeritus, Reproductive Health Program (RH), Population Council, NY. Dr. Morris is a Senior Scientist and Health Policy advisor for Secondcell Bio, a biotech company with a global health focus. A career-long active member of the Endocrine Society, she trained as a pharmacologist and endocrinologist in discovery and translational scientific research. Dr. Morris headed her laboratory, Molecular Mechanisms in Female and Male Reproductive Health with over 3 decades of continuously peer-reviewed grant funding from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). Her research team focused on probing hormone-based pathways for drug discovery and preclinical development assessing innovative, effective, and safe treatments addressing endocrine dysfunction, (in)fertility and family planning for men and woman. Dr. Morris also served as Co-Director and a Project PI for two P50 / U54 Specialized NICHD Centers, one in Male Reproduction and Fertility and the second in Female Contraceptive Development. She was the Director of the Molecular Cell Biology and Flow Cytometry Core, a High-Complexity Technical Facility. Dr. Morris remains a dedicated mentor and passionate advocate of diversity for the next generation of basic and clinical physician-scientists. Among these are many former trainees and fellows who have progressed to prominent national and international research and academic positions. She served as the President of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB), Vice President for Science Policy and Board of Directors, recently leading a One Health Convergent Sciences Initiative. She is privileged to have engaged on multiple Endocrine Society committees, including the Research Affairs Core Committee, the Advocacy and Public Outreach Core Committee and Endocrinology editorial board.