Dr. Leonor Corsino is an adult endocrinologist, physician scientist and educator. Her work focuses on diabetes and related conditions with a special interest in ameliorating heath disparities. Dr. Corsino also is dedicated to increasing diversity in the heath profession workforce.
What is your favorite Endocrine Society memory?
My first meeting as an endocrinology fellow.
What advice would you give for someone looking to become more involved in the Endocrine Society?
The Endocrine Society will provide you with the tools you need to advance your career independent of the track you follow. The resources are amazing and the opportunity to meet leaders and role models in our fields is invaluable.
How has the Endocrine Society supported your professional development/career journey?
By giving me the opportunity to engage with my colleagues as an active member of our society committees.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I spend most of my spare time with my family.