Member Spotlight

Maigen Bethea, PhD

June 08, 2020
Maigen Bethea, a recent PhD graduate, has been a member of the Endocrine Society since 2017. She participated in the Society’s Future Leaders Advancing Research in Endocrinology (FLARE) program where she was given the opportunity to serve as an intern on the Trainee and Career Development Core Committee (TCDCC). Because of her exceptional leadership potential and especially creative ideas, Maigen was requested to stay on as a regular member.

Maigen has made many contributions to the Endocrine Society. As part of her role on TCDCC, Maigen substantially contributed to the revitalization of the Early Career Forum and Career Development Workshop programming. Despite being the most junior person on the committee, she was not afraid to share her ideas. In addition to her work on TCDCC, Maigen currently serves on the Society’s Early Career Special Interest Group Steering Group which helps develop activities and events that will benefit the Endocrine Society’s Early Career members.
We thank you Dr. Bethea for your dedication and contributions to the Society. We look forward to your continued growth within the Society. 
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