The Endocrine Society’s Global Endocrine Leadership Coalition (GELC) is a network of international membership organizations dedicated to advancing the field of endocrinology. The GELC’s goal is to create a collaborative network of membership organizations committed to learning via global exchange and to leading the advancement of endocrinology by uniting on issues impacting endocrine clinicians and scientists worldwide.
Global Research and Exchange
Through collaborative discussions and focus groups, the GELC brings together leading perspectives in endocrinology to conduct research, publish white papers, and address problems in a holistic, globally informed way. Each year, the GELC selects a focus topic that is important to the global endocrinology landscape. In 2023, the GELC’s inaugural year, the focus topic was endocrinology workforce pipeline, an area where countries around the world face challenges and shortages.
Networking and Career Development
The GELC creates and supports training and networking opportunities for emerging endocrine leaders from GELC member countries. In the past this has been conducted through the Global Leadership Academy (GLA), an ENDO program where early to mid-career professionals are invited attend the annual meeting, network with colleagues from around the world, and participate in professional development activities.
Collaboration on Joint Initiatives
The GELC is a jumping off point for innovation and community-building within global endocrinology. GELC members partner with the Endocrine Society year-round to develop joint programs and initiatives, such as educational webinar series, joint symposia, and co-sponsored awards.
The Endocrine Society welcomes global membership organizations focused on endocrinology and endocrine-related diseases to join the GELC. If your organization is interested in joining the GELC please reach out to [email protected] for more information.
- Federación Argentina de Sociedades de Endocrinología (FASEN)
- Endocrine Society of Australia (ESA)
- Bangladesh Endocrine Society (BES)
- Sociedade Brasileira de Endocrinologia e Metabologia (SBEM)
- Canadian Society for Endocrinology and Metabolism (CSEM)
- Sociedad Chilena de Endocrinologia y Diabetes (SOCHED)
- Egyptian Association of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Atherosclerosis (EAEDA)
- Eesti Endokrinoloogia Selts (EES)
- European Society of Endocrinology (ESE)
- Société Française d'Endocrinologie (SFE)
- Gulf Association of Endocrinology & Diabetes (GAED)
- Georgian Association for Endocrinology and Metabolism (GAEM)
- Diabetes, Endocrine & Metabolic Society of Ghana (DEMSoG)
- Endocrine Society of India (ESI)
- The Japan Endocrine Society (JES)
- Lebanese Society for Endocrinology Diabetes and Lipids (LSEDL)
- Lietuvos Endokrinologų Draugija (LED)
- Malaysian Endocrine and Metabolic Society (MEMS)
- Sociedad Mexicana de Nutrición y Endocrinología (SMNE)
- Myanmar Society of Endocrinology & Metabolism (MSEM)
- Endocrine and Metabolism Society of Nigeria (EMSON)
- Pakistan Endocrine Society (PES)
- Sociedad Paraguaya de Endocrinología y Metabolismo (SPEM)
- Sociedad Peruana de Endocrinología (SPE)
- Philippine College of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism (PCEDM)
- Polskie Towarzystwo Endokrynologiczne (PTE)
- Society for Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes of South Africa (SEMDSA)
- South Asian Federation of Endocrine Societies (SAFES)
- Korean Endocrine Society (KES)
- Sociedad Española de Endocrinología y Nutrición (SEEN)
- Sri Lanka College of Endocrinologists (SLCE)
- The Endocrine Society of the Republic of China (Taiwan)
- Endocrine Society of Thailand (EST)
- Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism of Turkey (SEMT)
- Emirates Diabetes & Endocrine Society (EDES)
- Society for Endocrinology (SfE)
- Vietnam Association of Diabetes and Endocrinology (VADE)