Professional Development

FLARE Alumni Testimonials

August 20, 2024

More than 185 individuals have completed the Future Leaders Advancing Research in Endocrinology (FLARE) program since it launched in 2013. The program works to empower promising senior graduate students, postdocs, clinical fellows, and junior faculty to establish independent research careers through leadership skills training.

Here's what some of our alumni have to say about FLARE:

In Their Own Words

Maigen Bethea, PhD 

The FLARE workshop provided me with the opportunity to meet scientists willing to teach, train, and take me under their wing. This experience has provided me with various tools, skills, and strategies that are critical to my future success as a budding scientist. I'm so grateful I was able to attend this workshop and build lasting relationships with peers and established faculty in endocrine research.

Antentor Othrell Hinton, Jr, PhD 

My favorite memory was in 2015, as a senior graduate student, meeting Dr. Abel at the Future Leaders Advancing Research in Endocrinology (FLARE). I joined FLARE at the suggestion of Mario Oyola, who suggested FLARE would change my life, similar to it changing his. The entire meeting was fruitful, but the best part was meeting Dr. Abel, which was extremely important and validated that I could achieve my lofty goals. I remember telling everyone at the FLARE program that 3 years after my postdoc, I would be an HHMI investigator, 2 R01s, and be an associate professor. While some other trainees were in disbelief of these goals, Dr. Abel thought that any goals were attainable, and he pulled me aside to offer me a postdoctoral position, saying he could assist me in reaching these goals, help me in cultivating my craft and creating a research niche around developing 3D reconstruction and TEM expertise, hone my diversity, equity, and inclusion, and augment my capabilities.

Angelina Hernandez-Carretero, PhD

It was a great honor to participate in the FLARE Workshop where I was able to meet new mentors and network with other fellows to form possible research collaborations. I was pleasantly surprised to form a new mentor/mentee relationship with someone who offered to review my job application materials and even give me a mock interview! There was definitely a great group of leaders who are passionate about further developing the skills of future endocrinologists!

Daniel Ruiz, PhD

FLARE is a valuable program that has supported my advancement as a scientist by expanding my professional network and providing me with exceptional mentorship.  Additionally, FLARE has provided me with another means of giving back as an intern for the Hormone Health Network, where I help disseminate information about endocrinology to the general public.


Mabel Toribio, MD

The FLARE workshop is one of the best career development workshops that I have participated in throughout my academic training. As part of this workshop, I was able to develop an individualized career plan together with a mentor from the program.  This exercise not only allowed me to evaluate my career goals but also allowed me to devise a realistic career plan to achieve those goals.  The FLARE workshop through networking with faculty and other trainees also provided me with diverse perspectives on the career paths available to me in Endocrinology.  Overall, I would highly recommend the FLARE workshop to any trainees interested in a career in academic medicine.  

Video Testimonials

Greisha Lee Ortiz Hernandez, PhD


Jorge Espinoza-Derout, PhD


Licy Yanes Cardozo, MD


Shanna Lavalle, PhD


Lindsey Treviño, PhD



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