Kristy Brown, PhD

November 10, 2023

Kristy A. Brown, PhD, is the Associate Professor of Metabolism and Cancer in the Department of Cell Biology and Physiology at the University of Kansas Medical Center, and Co-Program Leader, Cancer Prevention and Control, at the University of Kansas Cancer Center. 

Dr. Brown obtained her PhD at the Université de Montréal in Canada in 2006 where her thesis focused on understanding the regulation of hormones during the ovulatory process. During her postdoctoral fellowship, her research was aimed at understanding the molecular link between obesity and breast cancer via the regulation of steroid hormone production by metabolic pathways in the breast fat. In 2011, she was appointed co-Head of the metabolism and cancer laboratory at Prince Henry’s Institute, and in 2014, Research Group Head at the Hudson Institute of Medical Research. She was recruited to Weill Cornell Medicine in 2017 and prior to joining the University of Kansas Medical Center, was Associate Professor of Biochemistry in Medicine and the Emilie Lippmann and Janice Jacobs McCarthy Research Scholar in Breast Cancer at Weill Cornell Medicine. Internationally renowned for her work underpinning the molecular relationship between obesity and breast cancer, her team has made seminal contributions to our understanding of aromatase regulation in the breast, the role of obesity-associated factors in driving cancer development and progression, and more recently, the impact of poor metabolic health on cancer risk in women with genetic predispositions to cancer. Dr. Brown has received funding from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC, Australia), the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF, Australia) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI). 

Dr. Brown was co-Editor in Chief of the journal Endocrine and Metabolic Science, and is Associate Editor of Endocrinology and the Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. She is a member of the American Association of Cancer Research (AACR) and has been a member of the Endocrine Society since 2007. Dr. Brown has had longstanding involvement with the Endocrine Society, including being part of developing the latest strategic plan, being a member of the Basic Science Advisory Group and Basic Science Chair for ENDO2018. Since 2021, she is a member of the Finance and Audit Committee. 

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