Dr. Leonor Corsino is an Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nutrition at Duke University School of Medicine. She completed her residency at Wayne State University, Detroit, MI in 2005, where she finished her tenure as a Chief Medical Resident in 2006. Subsequently, she completed her endocrinology training at Duke (2009) where she simultaneously obtained her Master of Health Science in Clinical Research.
Dr Corsino currently holds several leadership roles at Duke including: Associate Director, Duke School of Medicine, Master of Biomedical Sciences, Co-Director, Duke CTSI Community Engagement Core / Community Engaged Research Initiative (CERI), Co-Director, Research Education and Training Sub-core, Duke Center for REsearch to AdvanCe Healthcare Equity, Director/ Duke Population Health Improvement Initiative Program and Associate Director for the Office of Faculty Mentoring Training. Dr Corsino career interest included research in diabetes, obesity and related comorbidities, health disparities, and workforce development. She has been the PI and Co-Inverstigators in many NIH, foundations, institutional and industry-sponsored studies.
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