Dr. Anuja Dokras received her medical degree with distinction from the University of Bombay, India and obtained a PhD from University of Oxford, UK. She completed a post graduate training in Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at Yale University. She served as the Medical Director of the IVF program at Penn Fertility Care from 2007-2013 and now directs the Preimplantation Genetic Testing program. Dr. Dokras is also the Director of the multi-disciplinary PENN Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) center a multidisciplinary program offering comprehensive care to women with PCOS.
She is past President of the Androgen Excess (AE) -PCOS Society (2014-2016), an international society focused on supporting education, research and patient awareness related to all aspects of androgen excess disorders. Dr. Dokras’ research program focuses on understanding the determinants of cardiovascular disease risk associated with PCOS at both the cellular and population level. She also studies the impact of clinical interventions on pregnancy, health related quality of life, anxiety and mood disorders in PCOS. Her research has been funded by the National Institutes of Health, American Society of Reproductive Medicine and Reproductive Scientist Development Program.
She is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism and Endocrine Reviews.
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