Donna H. Ryan, MD is Professor Emerita at Pennington Biomedical in Baton Rouge, LA, and current President of World Obesity Federation. She is Associate Editor-in-Chief of the journal Obesity and has authored more than 200 publications, primarily on obesity. Dr Ryan’s research focuses on nutrition, obesity and obesity comorbidities. She has been an investigator for various US National Institutes of Health-sponsored studies, including Pounds Lost, DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), DPP (Diabetes Prevention Program) and the Look AHEAD study.
Dr. Ryan’s continuing interests focus on translation of effective weight management into primary care practices. Dr Ryan served as Co-Chair on the expert panel for the 2013 ACC/AHA/TOS evidence-based Guidelines on the Evaluation and Management of Overweight and Obesity in Adults and was a panel member of the 2015 Endocrine Society Systematic Evidence Review and Guidelines for Medications that Affect Body Weight. She is Co-Chair of the Steering Committee SELECT, a cardiovascular outcome trial of semaglutide.
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