Dr. Jenny A. Visser is an Associate Professor at the Department of Internal Medicine, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, where she heads the Metabolism and Reproduction laboratory. She studied Animal Science at the Agricultural University of Wageningen, the Netherlands. She obtained her PhD at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands for her thesis entitled “Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH): Molecular mechanisms of action”. She continued as a postdoctoral fellow at UCSF, San Francisco, USA, where she identified one of the AMH type I receptors. Following, she was recruited back to Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, at the Department of Internal Medicine to study the role of AMH in ovarian function. She has been instrumental in the development of the world-wide used AMH assay and establishing AMH levels as a marker of ovarian function.
At present, the research of Dr. Visser focuses on sex differences in obesity, with a specific emphasis on signaling mechanisms in genetic obesity and function of brown adipose tissue. In addition, her international multidisciplinary research group continues the research on the function and clinical application of AMH, in particular in the metabolic and reproductive disorder Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Her research embodies a basic and translational approach and she works closely together with clinical colleagues at her own department and the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology.
At her department, Dr. Visser is a member of the executive committee of the Clinical and Experimental Medicine initiative (CEMi), which aims, amongst others, to strengthen research within the department and connect basic and translational research with clinical research. She participates in the Erasmus MC Academic Center of Obesity, Academic Center for Gender Specific Translational Research (Gesture), and the international Reproductive Genetics (ReproGen) consortium and Genetics of PCOS consortium. She is currently associate editor of Human Reproduction Update, review editor of Frontiers in Endocrinology, editorial board member of Metabolism and former editorial board member of Endocrinology, Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, and Human Reproduction. She currently serves as co-chair of the Focus Area Reproductive and Developmental Endocrinology and is co-founder and co-chair of European Women in Endocrinology (EUWIN) for the European Society of Endocrinology.
For the Endocrine Society, Dr. Visser has served at several positions, most recently as overall Chair of the Annual Meeting Steering Committee for ENDO2023, held in Chicago. In addition, she served as member and chair of the Nominating Committee, member of the Board of Directors, and Basic Science chair (ENDO2016), member and Team Lead (Reproductive Endocrinology) of the AMSC (2011-2014). As Board Member, she established the Special Interest Groups. Currently, she serves as Early Career / DEI Reviewer Advisor for the Endocrine Society Journals.