Podcast Endocrine News

Obesity Fellows Program

December 20, 2023

Episode 81

Amy Rothberg

According to the National Institutes of Health, more than two in five adults have obesity in the United States, and nearly one in three is overweight. To equip health care practitioners with the resources they need to treat patients with obesity, the Endocrine Society recently held its inaugural obesity fellows program, an exclusive, application-based, educational activity for current fellows. The program covered a wealth of information, and host Aaron Lohr talks with Amy Rothberg, MD, DABOM, program chair and a clinical professor of internal medicine at the University of Michigan’s School of Public Health. If you weren’t able to attend the fellows program, we have a free series of on-demand lectures available online, and those are accredited. If you would like to earn credit for this listening experience and enhance your learning, head over to the Endocrine Society’s Center for Learning. This on-demand course includes this episode, alongside pre- and post-tests that allow you to demonstrate your understanding of the content. Links are below. With thanks to Lilly USA LLC and Novo Nordisk for making both the obesity fellows program and this podcast episode possible through an unrestricted, educational grant.


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