The Endocrine Society is recognized as a trusted content provider and content publisher with a long-standing reputation for delivering high-quality endocrine content that ensures your message informs and educates professionals, patients, and consumers alike. Society products are developed by leveraging the expertise of 18,000 global members and reflect an unbiased, evidence-based representation of the field of endocrinology. Whether you require online medical information, CME and MOC materials, patient education content, or other custom content, a variety of resources are available to license that help clinicians, researchers, and all healthcare learners accelerate the pace of scientific discovery and translate the latest science into quality clinical care.
Publishing upwards of 1,000 articles a year combined, the Society’s top-ranked peer reviewed journals are among the first to publish major developments and discovery milestones, advancing scientific discoveries that improve human health worldwide.
Clients can select articles of interest to a specific market or topical area and distribute issues in English or the local language.
Society-curated journal content includes:
Professional education publications provide self-study guides for endocrinologists and related healthcare professionals to enhance their knowledge and stay up to date on advances in the field.
These and other books can be licensed for distribution in print or online as secure PDFs, ePub, or XML to end users via a third-party platform engaged by the Society. The same platform also allows for purchases as well as shorter-term book rentals.
The Society provides the field of endocrinology with timely, evidence-based recommendations for clinical care and practice. New guidelines are continually published, and existing guidelines updated to reflect the changing clinical science and better meet the needs of practicing physicians and healthcare professionals.
Session Recordings are compilations of digital audio recordings and synchronized slides from the Society’s world-class meetings and conferences, available on-demand via computer, tablet, phone, or downloadable media files. Access codes can be supplied for secure distribution and viewing. Compilations by therapeutic area are also available.
Ongoing and new programs are continually available, including Endocrine News Podcasts and the Endocrine Feedback Loop Podcast Series, a journal club discussing recently published articles. These provide engagement with global experts as they delve into the latest advances in hormone research and clinical care, sometimes paired with expert content for reinforced learning
Regularly produced webinars with Society staff, members, and other subject-matter experts cover educational and professional topics including research advances, clinical best practices, patient care, telehealth, media-communication training, and more.
Hormone Health Network (HHN) is a primary resource for providers, patients, and consumers offering a variety of content promoting wellness, prevention, and treatment in hormone-related conditions. HHN content for licensing includes more than 100 Patient Guides, written in accessible language by the Society’s experts, each addressing a specific disease or condition.
Translations or localizations of all licensed content are possible and allow for greater global audience reach. Select content is available in multiple languages currently for licensing. The Society’s licensing team can provide guidance and resources to facilitate the process.
Customized content solutions for print or digital distribution are available across the Society’s broad and deep content archive.
The Endocrine News podcast brings you the latest research and clinical advances from experts in the field, whether you are in your car, office, or out for a run.
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