Schedule at a Glance

December 04, 2024
Wednesday, July 9 (Pre-Meeting)
6:30 PM–9:00 PM Board of Directors Reception
Thursday, July 10 (Pre-Meeting)
7:00 AM–5:00 PM Board of Directors Meeting
6:00 PM–9:30 PM Type 1 Diabetes Fellows Program
Friday, July 11 (Pre-Meeting)
6:00 AM–4:00 PM Registration
7:00 AM–5:00 PM  Type 1 Diabetes Fellows Program 
7:30 AM–5:00 PM  Early Career Forum 
8:00 AM–12:00 PM  Special Programs Committee Meeting 
8:00 AM–1:00 PM  Laureate Awards Committee Meeting 
8:30 AM–3:00 PM  Corporate Liaison Board (CLB) Meeting  
8:30 AM–12:30 PM  Clinical Guidelines Committee Meeting 
8:30 AM–4:30 PM  The 2nd Parathyroid Summit: Advancements in Research and Development of New Therapeutic Options in Hypoparathyroidism 
10:00 AM12:00 PM  Finance and Audit Committee Meeting 
10:30 AM–12:00 PM  Scientific Statement Subcommittee Meeting 
12:00 PM–2:00 PM  Clinical Affairs Core Committee Meeting 
1:00 PM–4:00 PM  Endocrine Society Guideline Methodologist Meeting 
2:00 PM–4:00 PM  Ethics and Professionalism Committee Meeting 
2:15 PM–4:15 PM  Advocacy and Public Outreach Core Committee Meeting 
4:30 PM–5:30 PM  Leadership Alignment Session 
4:30 PM–6:00 PM  CoDI Meeting 
4:30 PM–6:00 PM  Women in Endocrinology (WIE) Board of Directors Meeting 
4:30 PM–6:45 PM  Research Affairs Core Committee Meeting 
5:00 PM–7:00 PM  SIG Reception 
5:30 PM–7:00 PM CLB Reception 
6:00 PM–7:00 PM International Welcome Reception
7:00 PM–10:00 PM Excellence in Endocrinology Recognition Dinner (by invitation only)
Saturday, July 12 (Day 1)
6:00 AM–8:00 AM  Satellite Symposia 
7:30 AM6:15 PM Registration
8:00 AM9:30 AM Plenary Session with President’s Opening Remarks
8:00 AM10:00 AM  Clinical Endocrine Education Committee Meeting 
9:30 AM4:30 PM ENDOExpo Open (Posters and Science & Innovation Theaters)
9:45 AM10:30 AM Concurrent education sessions
9:45 AM11:00 AM  Health Disparities Poster Session  
10:00 AM11:00 AM  Endocrine Feedback Loop Podcast  
10:45 AM12:15 PM Concurrent education sessions
11:00 AM12:00 PM  FLARE Luncheon 
12:00 PM1:00 PM  ExCEL Luncheon 
1:45 PM3:15 PM Concurrent education sessions
3:30 PM4:15 PM Concurrent education sessions
4:30 PM–5:30 PM Endocrine Educator Forum
4:30 PM6:15 PM Concurrent education sessions
6:30 PM8:00 PM Opening Reception in ENDOExpo
6:30 PM10:00 PM  Women in Endocrinology (WIE) Annual Meeting 
7:00 PM9:00 PM Satellite Symposia
8:00 PM9:00 PM  LGBTQIA+ and Allies Reception
Sunday, July 13 (Day 2)
6:00 AM–8:00 AM  ENDO 2025 5K Fun Run/Walk 
6:00 AM–8:00 AM  Satellite Symposia 
7:00 AM–4:00 PM  Endocrine Mentor Day 
7:30 AM8:30 AM  TCDCC Meeting 
7:00 AM6:15 PM Registration
8:00 AM9:15 AM Plenary Session
9:00 AM4:00 PM ENDOExpo Open (Posters and Science & Innovation Theaters)
9:00 AM4:30 PM  Professional Development Workshops 
9:30 AM10:15 AM Concurrent education sessions
9:30 AM10:15 AM ESAP Live
9:45 AM10:45 AM  Early Investigator Awardee Research Presentations 
10:30 AM12:00 PM Concurrent education sessions
11:00 AM12:00 PM Rising Stars Power Talks
1:45 PM3:15 PM Concurrent education sessions
1:45 PM3:15 PM Health Disparities Symposium
1:45 PM3:15 PM Meet the NIDDK Program Directors
2:00 PM4:00 PM  ENDO 2025 Career Fair 
3:30 PM4:15 PM Concurrent education sessions
4:30 PM6:00 PM Concurrent education sessions
6:00 PM7:00 PM  Journals Reception 
6:00 PM7:00 PM  CSEM Canada Night Reception 
6:15 PM7:45 PM  Minority Mentor Poster Reception 
6:15 PM–8:15 PM  Association for Endocrine Chiefs and Directors Reception 
7:00 PM8:00 PM  Medical School Engagement Program (MSEP) Reception 
7:00 PM8:00 PM  APDEM Member Reception 
7:00 PM9:00 PM Satellite Symposia
Monday, July 14 (Day 3)
6:00 AM–8:00 AM  Satellite Symposia 
7:00 AM8:00 PM  Global Endocrine Leadership Coalition (GELC) Meeting
7:00 AM6:15 PM Registration
9:00 AM5:00 AM  SIG Steering Group Onboarding & Workplanning Meetings 
8:00 AM9:15 AM Plenary Session
9:00 AM2:00 PM ENDOExpo Open (Posters and Science & Innovation Theaters)
9:15 AM10:15 AM  Endocrine Educator Forum 
9:30 AM10:15 AM Concurrent education sessions
10:30 AM12:00 PM Concurrent education sessions
11:00 AM12:30 PM Past Officers' Luncheon
12:45 PM1:45 PM  Members' Business Meeting 
1:45 PM3:15 PM Concurrent education sessions
3:30 PM4:15 PM Concurrent education sessions
4:30 PM6:00 PM Concurrent education sessions
6:30 PM7:30 PM  Basic Science Reception 
6:30 PM–8:30 PM  REGMS Dinner 
7:00 PM9:00 PM Satellite Symposia
7:00 PM10:00 PM  President's Reception 
Tuesday, July 15 (Day 4)
6:00 AM–8:00 AM  Satellite Symposia 
7:00 AM7:45 AM  AMSC Breakfast Meeting 
10:30 AM1:00 PM Registration
8:00 AM8:45 AM Concurrent education sessions
9:00 AM10:30 AM Concurrent education sessions
9:00 AM5:00 PM  SIG Steering Group Onboarding & Workplanning Meetings 
10:45 AM12:15 PM Concurrent education sessions
12:15 PM  ENDO 2025 Adjourns 

Last Updated:
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For 100 years, the Endocrine Society has been at the forefront of hormone science and public health. Read about our history and how we continue to serve the endocrine community.