To cancel your registration, you must email Maritz. Once processed, a registration cancellation will annul registration to ENDO 2025 as well as any related events, products, or services purchased in conjunction with that registration. If a registrant wishes to re-register for specific events hosted in conjunction with ENDO 2025, he/she/they may do so in accordance with the Annual Meeting policies. Products may also be purchased through the Society’s online store and/or learning management system, if available.
Cancellations requested between 11:01 am ET on February 19, 2025, and before 11:59 pm ET on April 16, 2025, are eligible for a full refund less a $75 USD processing fee. Requests for changing from the Premium Package to the Standard Package will not be honored.
Cancellations requested between 12:01 am ET on April 17, 2025, and 11:59 pm ET on June 6, 2025, are eligible for a 50% refund less a $75 USD processing fee.
Except in the case of extenuating circumstances, the Society will not issue cancellation refunds for registrations or other ticketed events submitted after 11:59 pm ET on June 6, 2025. However, product purchases may be refunded after that date.
Registrants who provide a written notification to Maritz Global Events, ENDO 2025’s official registration partner, for the following circumstances, may receive a full refund less a $75 USD processing fee:
Cancellations requested for other reasons will be reviewed by the Endocrine Society to determine eligibility for full or partial refunds. Cancellation requests submitted after June 6, 2025, will be reviewed, and processed after ENDO 2025. All cancellation requests must be submitted by Tuesday, July 15, 2025, and must be accompanied by a detailed explanation. No refund will be issued for cancellation requests submitted after July 15, 2025.
All housing cancellations must be made on the ENDO 2025 housing site or writing to [email protected] on or before June 19, 2025. No cancellations will be taken over the phone.
After that date, your housing request will be transferred to the hotel and any cancellations must be made directly with the hotel after June 26, 2025 and up to 72 hours prior to arrival.
Room cancellations made less than 72 hours prior to your confirmed arrival will be subject to a penalty of one night's room and tax. If you fail to arrive on your confirmed date, your credit card will be charged one night's room plus tax and your reservation will be cancelled for the remainder of your stay.
Some hotels will charge a penalty of checking out earlier than scheduled. To avoid this, please verify your departure upon arrival.
The Endocrine Society is not responsible for failure to check-in on your scheduled day of arrival and cannot guarantee availability onsite.